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[http] HTTP库

这是一个非常高频的库,我们经常会使用他发送 HTTP 请求,相比其他语言的 HTTP 库,yak 的 HTTP 做到了更简练!talk is cheep...

HTTP 库包含三个可用的 http 子库,分别是

  1. http 标准 HTTP 客户端
  2. httpserver 简易 HTTP 服务器,一般用于本地测试或者本地接收 HTTP 请求
  3. httpool 批量 HTTP 请求的工具,一般和 fuzz 模块配合使用

所有 API#


核心 API#

  1. fn http.Do(var_1: *http.Request): (*http.Response, error) 执行一个 *http.Request
  2. fn http.Get(var_1: string, vars: ...yaklib.httpOption): (*http.Response, error) 进行 GET 请求,vars 表示其他参数,可以通过 http.body / http.cookie / http.header / / http.useragent 这些参数设置
  3. fn http.Post(var_1: string, vars: ...yaklib.httpOption): (*http.Response, error) 进行 POST 请求,vars 表示其他参数,参数同上
  4. fn http.NewRequest(method: string, url: string, vars: ...yaklib.httpOption): (*http.Request, error) 构筑一个 *http.Request,这个方法类似标准库中的 NewRequest 但是增加了和前面几个参数一样的
  5. fn http.Raw(var_1: interface {}): (*http.Request, error) 把请求解析成 *http.Rquest 支持 string/bytes
  6. fn http.Request(method: string, url: string, vars: ...yaklib.httpOption): (*http.Response, error)
  7. fn http.GetAllBody(var_1: *http.Response): []uint8 获取 *http.Response 的 Body 的 bytes


  1. fn http.body(var_1: interface {}): yaklib.httpOption 用于在请求时设置 body 的内容 http.Get("", http.body("your body... here")) 在 vars 可以增加不定参数
  2. fn http.cookie(var_1: interface {}): yaklib.httpOption 设置 Cookie (Raw)
  3. fn http.header(var_1: interface {}, var_2: interface {}): yaklib.httpOption 设置一个 Header
  4. fn interface {}): yaklib.httpOption 设置 User-Agent
  5. fn http.useragent(var_1: interface {}): yaklib.httpOption 设置 User-Agents
  6. fn http.json(i: any): mutate.httpPoolConfigOption 发送 JSON 请求
  7. fn http.proxy(proxy: string): mutate.httpPoolConfigOption 设置代理
  8. ...


  1. fn http.dump(var_1: interface {}): ([]uint8, error)*http.Request*http.Response 变成原始数据包,包含 Body,返回 bytes
  2. fn http.dumphead(var_1: interface {}): ([]uint8, error) 同上,但是原始数据包不包含 head
  3. fn interface {}) 直接展示 *http.Request/Response 的数据包形态,打印在屏幕上
  4. fn http.showhead(var_1: interface {}) 同上,但是不展示 Body


  1. fn httpserver.Serve(host: string, port: int, vars: ...yaklib._httpServerConfigOpt): error 启动 HTTP Server。host 是主机,port 是启动在哪个端口,vars 表示 httpserver 支持的选项,目前支持设置上下文(Golang原生),handler:处理 请求,tlsCertAndKey 设置 HTTPS
  2. fn httpserver.context(var_1: context.Context): yaklib._httpServerConfigOpt 启动 HTTP Server,生命周期由一个 context 来控制
  3. fn httpserver.handler(var_1: func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)): yaklib._httpServerConfigOpt 设置一个 HTTP Handler 用来处理 Request 和返回响应结果
  4. fn httpserver.tlsCertAndKey(var_1: interface {}, var_2: interface {}, vars: ...interface {}): yaklib._httpServerConfigOpt 设置 HTTPS 证书

配合 fuzz 使用的 httpool#

  1. fn httpool.Pool(var_1: interface {}, vars: ...mutate.httpPoolConfigOption): (chan *mutate._httpResult, error) 执行批量执行 []*http.Request 或者 fuzz.HTTPRequestIf 等,执行的结果为 *_httpResult 通过一个 chan 对外传出,执行的结果包含:
type palm/common/mutate.(_httpResult) struct {  Fields(可用字段):      // 档次请求的 URL      Url: string
      // 发起请求的 Request      Request: *http.Request
      // 如果请求失败,这个错误将不为 nil 了      Error: error
      // 相应的原始数据包      ResponseRaw: []uint8
      // 尝试把响应数据包解析为 *http.Response      Response: *http.Response}


  1. fn string): mutate.httpPoolConfigOption 强制设置发送的 HTTP 连接的对方主机
  2. fn httpool.https(var_1: bool): mutate.httpPoolConfigOption 强制设置 HTTPS 的形式发送
  3. fn httpool.perRequestTimeout(var_1: float64): mutate.httpPoolConfigOption 每一个请求的超时时间是多少?
  4. fn httpool.port(var_1: int): mutate.httpPoolConfigOption 设置连接端口
  5. fn httpool.size(var_1: int): mutate.httpPoolConfigOption 返回的 Response Body 的 Size 读多少?

http 库用法#

使用 httpserver 启动一个服务器#

为了方便测试,我们启动一个 HTTP Server,用于接收我们客户端发的请求,顺便使用 把接收到的请求展示出来

go die(httpserver.Serve("", 8084, httpserver.handler(fn(rsp, req) {    rsp.Write([]byte("Hello World From Server"))})))sleep(1)

使用 http get 默认#

rsp, err := http.Get(    "",    http.body("test Code to webhook"),    http.useragent("test-ua"),)die(err)
println()println("REQUEST RECV: ", )raw, err := io.ReadAll(rsp.Body)die(err)println(string(raw))


GET /webhook HTTP/1.1Host: gzipContent-Length: 20User-Agent: test-ua
test Code to webhook

我们发现,我们设置的 User-Agent, 设置的数据包的内容都被正常发了出去

带自定义 HTTP 头使用 http get#

rsp, err = http.Get(    "",    http.header("User-Agent", "test"),     # 设置 User-Agent    http.header("Cookie", "asdfasdfasdf"), # 设置 Cookie)die(err)

使用自定义 HTTP 头和 Body#

rsp, err = http.Post(    "",    http.header("Default", "xxx"),            # 添加任意的 Header    http.body("qerjkasdf"),                   # 添加 body)die(err)

JSON Body 支持 http.json(i: any)#


rsp, err = http.Post("", http.json({    "test": 123,}))die(err)

我们通过上述操作可以使用 http.json 参数发送一个 JSON 请求, 这个请求会把传入的任何参数序列化为 JSON 字符串,并设置 Content-Type 为 application/json

POST HTTP/1.1Connection: closeContent-Length: 12Content-Type: application/jsonUser-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1

你可以定义任何 Request 分步请求#

构建你想要的 http.Request#

req, err = http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", http.header("BAR", "FOO"))die(err)                                # 展示内容


HEAD /yourpath HTTP/1.1Host: baidu.comBar: FOO

执行任何你想要的 http.Response#

req, err = http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", http.header("BAR", "FOO"))die(err)    
rsp, err = http.Do(req)if err != nil {    die(err)}                                # 展示相应信息


HEAD /yourpath HTTP/1.1Host: baidu.comBar: FOO

HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Length: 19825Accept-Ranges: bytesCache-Control: max-age=86400Content-Type: text/htmlDate: Sat, 12 Jun 2021 12:47:43 GMTEtag: "4d71-5bd28c3bf7800"Expires: Sun, 13 Jun 2021 12:47:43 GMTLast-Modified: Wed, 10 Mar 2021 06:27:44 GMTP3p: CP=" OTI DSP COR IVA OUR IND COM "Server: ApacheSet-Cookie: BAIDUID=378636EDCB30B5B26C7A96757C45D396:FG=1; expires=Sun, 12-Jun-22 12:47:43 GMT; max-age=31536000; path=/;; version=1Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent

自定义一个 http 方法快速请求#

rsp, err = http.Request("HEAD", "")die(err)

http 库族相关结构 API#

*http.Request 标准 http 请求#

type net/http.(Request) struct {  Fields(可用字段):      Method: string      URL: *url.URL      Proto: string      ProtoMajor: int      ProtoMinor: int      Header: http.Header      Body: io.ReadCloser      GetBody: func () return(io.ReadCloser, error)      ContentLength: int64      TransferEncoding: []string      Close: bool      Host: string      Form: url.Values      PostForm: url.Values      MultipartForm: *multipart.Form      Trailer: http.Header      RemoteAddr: string      RequestURI: string      TLS: *tls.ConnectionState      Cancel: <-chan struct {}      Response: *http.Response  StructMethods(结构方法/函数):  PtrStructMethods(指针结构方法/函数):      func AddCookie(v1: *http.Cookie)      func BasicAuth() return(string, string, bool)      func Clone(v1: context.Context) return(*http.Request)      func Context() return(context.Context)      func Cookie(v1: string) return(*http.Cookie, error)      func Cookies() return([]*http.Cookie)      func FormFile(v1: string) return(multipart.File, *multipart.FileHeader, error)      func FormValue(v1: string) return(string)      func MultipartReader() return(*multipart.Reader, error)      func ParseForm() return(error)      func ParseMultipartForm(v1: int64) return(error)      func PostFormValue(v1: string) return(string)      func ProtoAtLeast(v1: int, v2: int) return(bool)      func Referer() return(string)      func SetBasicAuth(v1: string, v2: string)      func UserAgent() return(string)      func WithContext(v1: context.Context) return(*http.Request)      func Write(v1: io.Writer) return(error)      func WriteProxy(v1: io.Writer) return(error)}

*http.Response 标准 http 响应#

type net/http.(Response) struct {  Fields(可用字段):      Status: string      StatusCode: int      Proto: string      ProtoMajor: int      ProtoMinor: int      Header: http.Header      Body: io.ReadCloser      ContentLength: int64      TransferEncoding: []string      Close: bool      Uncompressed: bool      Trailer: http.Header      Request: *http.Request      TLS: *tls.ConnectionState  StructMethods(结构方法/函数):  PtrStructMethods(指针结构方法/函数):      func Cookies() return([]*http.Cookie)      func Location() return(*url.URL, error)      func ProtoAtLeast(v1: int, v2: int) return(bool)      func Write(v1: io.Writer) return(error)}

*_httpResult 批量请求(httpool)的结果#

type palm/common/mutate.(_httpResult) struct {  Fields(可用字段):    Url         string    Request     *http.Request    Error       error    RequestRaw  []byte    ResponseRaw []byte    Response    *http.Response    DurationMs  int64    Timestamp   int64    Payloads    []string  StructMethods(结构方法/函数):  PtrStructMethods(指针结构方法/函数):}